The Art of Teamwork...
Delaware Leading Change through Collaboration!

Alert #015 – 120-Day Expiration Policy for New Microsoft (MS)Teams Recordings





# 015 – 10/11/2023



120-Day Expiration Policy for New Microsoft (MS) Teams Recordings
ALERT: On the evening of October 13, 2023, a new Microsoft Teams policy will be implemented for Teams meeting recordings. Newly created Teams meeting recordings will automatically expire 120 days after they are recorded if no action is taken.


The policy will be applied on the evening of October 13, 2023.

For Further Clarification: 


The expiration policy will only apply to MS Teams recordings made after implementation of the policy.   


Teams recordings made before the policy implementation will remain unaffected. 


The recording owner can overwrite the default expiration date and extend it (maximum of 730 days) or choose to remove the expiration for the recording.  


When a recording expires, it is relocated to the owner’s recycle bin, and the recording owner will receive an email notification with a link to restore the Teams meeting recording. The recording will be stored in the recycle bin for a period of 90 days, and during that time, it can be restored by the owner if needed. 


The Teams meeting recording expiration will have no effect on meeting transcriptions. 


Additional Information can be found here:


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