NTK.365: #0015 – Microsoft Teams Live Transcription





#0015 – Introducing live transcription in Microsoft Teams meetings



Live transcription is now available in MS Teams





Now – September 2021
Message:   Teams Meetings now have a real-time transcript during meetings, as well as a post-meeting transcript.  This will help users in real-time recall what has been spoken during the meeting, as well as review after the meeting.

This feature improves the accessibility of Microsoft Teams and allows meeting participants to be more productive.  It also creates a more inclusive experience for participants who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or have varying levels of language proficiency.  Participants in noisy places will also benefit from the visual aid.

Both the organizer and presenter(s) can Start and Stop Live transcription during the meeting by selecting the menu item under the ellipsis (…).  Transcription is only available in scheduled meetings and scheduled recurring meetings.  Meet Now, nor Channel meetings do not support live transcription at this time.

Select the ellipsis to open the menu. Select Start Transcription.



Transcription has started


Additionally, if the organizer or presenter(s) start recording the meeting, transcription automatically starts:

Start a Recording and transcription automatically starts.

NOTE:  Live transcription currently supports only spoken English (English-US).

Additional Information:  

YouTube Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB2up1pt06w


(Disclaimer: Links are provided as an additional learning resource; some of the information covered may not always apply or be available in the Government Community Cloud (GCC) environment.)




September 08, 2021  (MC222745)