MS 365 Alert #003





# 003- 02/08/2021



O365 Outlook OME (Office Message Encrypt Button)

When using OME (Encrypt Button) functionality to send an O365 Outlook email, the email becomes stuck in-route and stops all future email messages from being delivered.




A temporary fix is being deployed that will remove the Encrypt button from the Outlook client on most State computers.  If your Outlook still shows the Encrypt button DO NOT USE IT.  Use of the Encrypt button functionality will stop your outgoing email messages from being delivered.

If you have used the Outlook encrypt email feature (as shown above) in the past two weeks, you may be unaware that your emails are not being delivered.  To determine whether you are affected, craft a regular non-encrypted email to yourself and send it.  If you do not receive that email, you will need to call the Service Desk for assistance.  If the email is received, you are not affected by this issue.  If the Encrypt button remains in your Outlook client DO NOT USE IT.

DTI Service Desk:  302-739-4DTI (4384)

Egress is the State’s secure email standard for sending emails requiring encryption/security.  When you need to send an encrypted email, you must use egress.

Egress Instructions:

How Do I? – Department of Technology & Information (DTI) – State of Delaware